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How to get rid of the noisy wood flooring

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Why wood flooring squeaks?

Having wood flooring installed in your property brings a lot of benefits and value in terms of functionality and also visually. Real wood floors such as solid wood timbers and engineered wood planks are always recommended, suitable to every property, every interior design, and the requirements, personal tastes and preferences of everyone. There is no human on this planet, who won’t be completely satisfied and pleased to have wooden flooring if the right choice is made. The flooring experts are always there for you, suggesting and recommending what to purchase in order not only to create a unique and very beautiful interior design with the wooden flooring being a focal point but also to ensure a lot of stability, solidness and long-lasting power.

Not every kind of wood flooring is indeed recommended for every environment and project and choosing the right one for your setting is essential for enjoying its beauty and perfect condition for a long, long time. However, sometimes people don’t know what is the best option for their project and sometimes what looks like the best choice at first turns out to be not quite that. Fitted in an inappropriate setting and environment, every wooden floor can turn out to be a subject of issues and problems sooner or later. In addition, highly depending on the maintenance provided, the condition kept, the age and also the quality of the materials, wood floors transform their initial condition with time and this is something completely natural and normal.

Although most of the changes and transformations of your wooden flooring are nothing to worry about and they won’t reduce the quality of your floor, nor will affect negatively the look, some changes are not recommended to be neglected. Keeping track of what your wooden floor experiences and suffers is the key to being able to make it last for hundreds of years. While some smaller imperfections do not require too much attention, others are rather good to be removed and solved as soon as possible. One of them can be considered wood floor squeaking.

Now, squeaking is not always an indication your floor is in bad condition and needs attention. With the structure of wood and its flexibility, squeaking can be a result of the natural “movement” of the floor due to many reasons, but mainly temperature amplitudes, extremes and interior humidity. Normally, the floor will experience them without suffering further damage and issues, however, squeaking sometimes turns into a permanent problem.

What to do to get rid of this obnoxious and irritating noise? First of all, the problem has to be located. The best thing about repairing the squeaky noise is that you don’t have to deal with the whole flooring and you can reduce the treatment to spot repairs. Once the trouble spot is located it is recommended to brush chalk or talcum powder between the planks that will minimise the friction. Another option is to screw down the loose planks and boards, which also can make an annoying noise. No matter what the problem consists of, be sure to ask for help from the professionals, because they will do always the best!

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